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[FALSE] Two Men Dies As A Result Of Police Violence During Anti-Vaccine And Anti-Mask Protests In London

29 September 2020, 04:46:16
no victim died from the protests that took place. two photos showing two men being arrested by the police are photos of the same person, but taken from different angles. more httpsbit.ly3cew9rs google translate. httpsarchive.vnfisrr archive. english version of salah dua orang pria meninggal dunia akibat kekerasan polisi saat aksi protes anti vaksin dan anti masker di london httpsbit.ly339msvg references httpswww.reuters.comarticleuk factcheck protestfact check two men were not beaten to death by police at a london anti vaccine and coronavirus protest iduskcn26g15b httpswww.facebook.comradoslawkaliszukvideos1772828922872202 httpstwitter.commetpoliceeventsstatus1307638595868594176 httpnews.met.police.uknewsstatement protest in trafalgar square 410977
Sumber berita : https://turnbackhoax.id/2020/09/29/false-two-men-dies-as-a-result-of-police-violence-during-anti-vaccine-and-anti-mask-protests-in-london/
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