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(HOAX) Tiongkok Produksi Kornet Berbahan Tubuh Manusia

09 Agustus 2020, 14:50:14
sumber media sosial facebook narasi please send this to all your contact, its very important. chinese people have started producing coorned beef with their dead bodies and sending them to africa. please stay away from coorned beef irrespetive of brand, most especially in africa and from afro asian grocery shop. penjelasan foto foto tentang daging yang digantung berbentuk potongan tubuh manusia sebenarnya adalahevent yang diselenggarakan oleh capcom, om.. tahun 2012 yang lalu dalam rangka pekan seni bertema resident evil di londonhttpwww.eurogamer.netarticles2012 09 28 capcom creates fake human meat market in east london . httpswww.facebook.comgroupsfafhhpermalink318879295111279
Sumber berita : https://turnbackhoax.id/2016/07/25/hoax-tiongkok-produksi-kornet-berbahan-tubuh-manusia/
built with : https://erahajj.co.id