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(DISINFORMASI) PKI sudah dilatih pegang senjata FPI kpan,,,?
09 Agustus 2020, 14:50:46
sumber 1 informasi dari beberapa pengikut page mafindo. 2httpsgoo.glbt479r, bongkaran debunk dari akun generasi muda nu. 3httpsgoo.gl5zphmy, post dari akun zakiie zi ke grup halaman jokowi dan barisan oposisi . 4httpsgoo.glt1zdhy, post dari akun zakiie zi ke grup suara pribumi selamatkan nkri. 5httpsgoo.gldqzy2e, status dari akun tagana pecinta pramuka. narasi pki sudah dilatih pegang senjata fpi kpan,,, ayok kita bangkit, kita tunggu apa lgi, tunggu ulama di bunuh, tunggu jendral kita di masukin ke lubang buaya lgi,,, penjelasanhttpsgoo.glrxdw6j hasil penelusuran google image, lokasi foto adalah di filipina. referensi 1httpsgoo.gl1b4jx7 akun zakiie zi. 2httpsgoo.gl2zke2b, akun tagana pecinta pramuka 3httpsgoo.gl2kz7p7, salahsatu situs yang memuat foto. 4httpsgoo.gld93d1f, terjemahan google translate npa fighting with the military in sultan kudarat, continues to be pursued by rmn news team apr. 22, 2017 at 505 pm members of the new peoples army npa who are troubling the troops of the 39th ib philippine army in barangay datal blao, columbio, sultan kudarat. it was three days after the release of two soldiers from the 39th ib sgt. solaiman calocop and pfc. samuel garay. the 15 minute battalion between the government and the rebel group broke out in the middle of a military patrol in the said area. three people were reported to have died where the npa members are still investigating whether they are members. at the same time, the alert level is still increasing in the said town following the crash. nation. catatan jika foto maksudnya untuk keperluan ilustrasi, seharusnya dijelaskan pada saat publikasi. latihan militer pkipki