Terdapat 9.833 berita hoax pada database kami. LDII Bali ikut berpartisipasi aktif dalam melawan hoax untuk Indonesia yang lebih baik


09 Agustus 2020, 14:52:13
bukan di cilengsi, lokasi foto halte yang dibagikan oleh sumber sebenarnya adalah di kollam, kerala, india. selengkapnya di bagian penjelasan dan referensi. kategori konten yang dimanipulasi. sumber httpbit.ly2vhbku0, akun jokoedy twitter.comjoked2019. sudah dibagikan 120 kali per tangapan layar dibuat. narasi bukan main. penjelasan 1 httpbit.ly2rhtadc httpbit.ly2mxvn7s, first draft news konten yang dimanipulasi ketika informasi atau gambar yang asli dimanipulasi untuk menipu. post sumber menggunakan foto hasil suntingan, foto yang sudah beredar sebelumnya ditambahkan tulisan ini di cilengsi.post sumber menambahkan narasi pelintiran untuk membangun premis yang salah berdasarkan foto hasil suntingan yang dibagikan, lokasi sesungguhnya adalah di kollam, kerala, india. 2 sumber foto, httpbit.ly2jdmmr9 alamy hammer and sickle bus stop, kollam image id fr2gf5 foto hammer and sickle bus stop, kollam contributor franois olivier dommergues alamy stock photo image id fr2gf5 file size 103.4 mb 7.3 mb compressed download dimensions 7360 x 4912 px 62.3 x 41.6 cm 24.5 x 16.4 inches 300dpi releases model no property no do i need a release more information located in south india on the malabar coast, kerala is the 13th largest state in india by population, with 33 million inhabitants. malayalam is the most widely spoken and the official language of the state. the region has always been a prominent spice exporter. in the 15th century, the spice trade attracted portuguese traders and paved the way for the european colonisation of india. nowadays, the production of pepper, natural rubber, coconut and tea are key to the economy. furthermore, 1.1 million people rely on the fishery industry. hinduism is practiced by more than half of the population, followed by islam and christianity. the culture is a synthesis of aryan and dravidian cultures, developed over millennia, under influences from other parts of india and abroad. date taken december 2015 location kerala, india. referensi 1 httpbit.ly2hgeaoe, turnbackhoaxdotid 27 sep 2017 hoax halte di sukoharjo palu arit. 2 httpbit.ly2vjxdj1, tautan ke situs arsip cadangan. 3 httpbit.ly2hjiimy, laporan mention ke akun turnbackhoax twitter.comturnbackhoax. sumber httpswww.facebook.comgroupsfafhhpermalink891472017852001
Sumber berita : https://turnbackhoax.id/2019/05/13/salah-ini-di-cilengsi/
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